Friday, March 27, 2009


so, after a brief hiatus, i am back. to my numerous fans, as countless as the stars in the sky and the sand on the beach: sorry to keep all of you waiting. don't be too angry... rejoice!

i wish i had something, anything of true value to put here, but i don't really. i just figured if i don't post now, i never will.

there's something to be said about taking action, even if it may not be exactly the right action. thats a problem i have sometimes - debating a decision beyond a reasonable timeframe, to the point where i KNOW i'm overanalyzing, but am still paralyzed by doubt. eveen for the most menial and pointless of decisions, if one path is not clearly superior, i can get trapped for hours exploring all possible ramifications of each choice, hoping that somewhere i will run into some minute detail that will provide one choice with enough of an edge for me to feel comfortable with it. and sometimes that edge just doesn't exist, but i keep searching and searching in vain, even though i realize that i should just stop and make the decision.

i think part of the reason that i do this is that i really do not like to shut doors behind me. whenever i face a decision, i think of it as if each fork in the road opens a new world of possibilities. and while that's a beautiful thing, i get trapped dwelling on the negative. even though making a decision opens up a new world of opportunity, i sometimes get trapped thinking only of the numerous worlds of opportunity that i am also closing off. 

there's something to be said for just charging ahead, all reckless, full of bravado, and with a certain air of invincibility. this is not the path of the timid, nor of the pragmatic. however, i think its the path i need to take more often, just to avoid the pitfalls of inaction.

to leave things on a positive note, spring quarter is upcoming, and it is going to be, in the words of one justin welke, "the best quarter of college/life... ever". im going to go eat now.