Tuesday, July 14, 2009

so i don't really know how to blog...

but i suppose i can try.

we started our journey @ 4PM, june 9th. We arrived at the badlands about 330AM local time, camped, then did some exploring once we woke up. the badlands may sound boring, but they are actually suprisingly cool - especially if you go off-road a bit to do some of your own exploring.

if you can get past the super sexy pose jay is droppin all up in this national park's beezy, in the distance you can see the cliff features of the badlands. in this picture (and in the video below) we are actually climbing down and through one of those fissures in the cliff face. pretty sweet eh? no one even died in the filming... way cool.

the current situation is this:

it is day 5/16. it is 740AM western time. last night, after driving through most of oregon and into northern california, we set up camp in a forest near the giant redwoods. set up a fire, grilled up some food, had a few beers and a healthy debate on whether a human could defeat a bear, and turned in for the night. i woke up around 530 and found a best western. i quickly proceeded to buje their electricity and internet and that brings me to where i am right now.

our plan for the rest of the day is to either hit up napa valley and do some wine tasting for the day or go to yosemite and camp again; i think our leaning is towards the wine tasting, though. by thursday we'll be into san fran, spend the night in the area, pick sneh up in the morning, and head south towards warmer climate. since we'll be back into civilization by that point, i will probably by then have a chance to post again. since the internet connection is weak here, i'm going to hold off on the rest of the multimedia; however, there is one last video i just couldn't wait to share... this is in yellowstone on one of the main roads. apparently the bison do whatever they want there. i wanted to ride it; jay and pat wouldn't let me. they're so lame sometimes.

until next time... in a galaxy far far away...


"ancient weapons and hokey religions are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

i woke up at 716 today

that was a little strange. about an hour early. did not sleep too well either, turmoil in the dreams and trouble staying in deep sleep. i was very aware that i was trying to sleep, and so it felt like i was in bed forever even though it was only ~3.5 hours. i ended up waking about an hour before my usual time, which i think is because i forced myself to bed to get sleep because i knew i was going to need it.

i wasn't tired at the usual time (beyond it actually) because i got two 15 min naps in the afternoon/evening and one long nap from 9-11 pm. haven't had a chance to nap at all the last couple days and i think it started taking a toll on me, especially with yesterday being so busy. i didn't get less busy, though - it was almost like i was overclocking my body. i was very hot at the end of the day, after being outside most of the day in a pretty stiff wind with only a thin dress shirt on. i did feel like i handled the conditions better than i have in the past, which was nice. i feel more caught up on sleep now than i did yesterday, so that's good.

the dreams, though... they are troublesome.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

today 9+ different people cut my hair

i think 6 of them were total strangers. it was a great day. i also voted mike and tommy. i also met a potential business partner, played soccer, gave several massages, got my bike back from the impound, scrambled to get my taxes done and then found out the deadline doesn't mean anything, missed a homework assignment, and met some new people. i'm wearing hello kitty boxers right now.

i gotta say it was a good day... i didn't even have to use my AK.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

a little lesson on alleles...

mapping the human genome: part 1

dad -
ridiculous goofiness
  dispenser of zen wisdom
  lover, not a fighter
  walking fortune cookie
  friendliness beyond boundaries

mom -
robbins mechanical genius
energizer bunny
  which means volatile temper
  leader (sometimes of the nazi variety)
  lover and a fighter
  "this is why i can't have any nice things"

you guys fit together like a puzzle. don't forget to appreciate that.

Monday, April 13, 2009


me and peter made the biggest and most delicious salad everrrrrr. and then we put it in our collective mouth. it was fricken great. i love tomatoes and olives and cucumber and feta and

asian dressing
salt n pepper
chicken (chicken is key)

man, food is great... plus puppy brought some food from his mom, i've got fruits and vegetables, eggs and bread and sassage, and there are still burgers, dogs, and buns from new scholar weekend. food is everywhere.

IMs start this week.

its getting warmer outside.

life is good.

Friday, March 27, 2009


so, after a brief hiatus, i am back. to my numerous fans, as countless as the stars in the sky and the sand on the beach: sorry to keep all of you waiting. don't be too angry... rejoice!

i wish i had something, anything of true value to put here, but i don't really. i just figured if i don't post now, i never will.

there's something to be said about taking action, even if it may not be exactly the right action. thats a problem i have sometimes - debating a decision beyond a reasonable timeframe, to the point where i KNOW i'm overanalyzing, but am still paralyzed by doubt. eveen for the most menial and pointless of decisions, if one path is not clearly superior, i can get trapped for hours exploring all possible ramifications of each choice, hoping that somewhere i will run into some minute detail that will provide one choice with enough of an edge for me to feel comfortable with it. and sometimes that edge just doesn't exist, but i keep searching and searching in vain, even though i realize that i should just stop and make the decision.

i think part of the reason that i do this is that i really do not like to shut doors behind me. whenever i face a decision, i think of it as if each fork in the road opens a new world of possibilities. and while that's a beautiful thing, i get trapped dwelling on the negative. even though making a decision opens up a new world of opportunity, i sometimes get trapped thinking only of the numerous worlds of opportunity that i am also closing off. 

there's something to be said for just charging ahead, all reckless, full of bravado, and with a certain air of invincibility. this is not the path of the timid, nor of the pragmatic. however, i think its the path i need to take more often, just to avoid the pitfalls of inaction.

to leave things on a positive note, spring quarter is upcoming, and it is going to be, in the words of one justin welke, "the best quarter of college/life... ever". im going to go eat now.