Thursday, December 25, 2008

for all of you who have never met my dad...

this video explains better than any set of mere words ever could.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving, homies

luke, checkit out - everyone's favorite broheim is giving me oral surgery

and as for words... happy thanksgiving, everyone. we're pretty blessed, lets appreciate it.

Monday, November 24, 2008


dear inanely wisdom-deprived children of the half japanese persuasion:

to this point, you have left 1 comment on a total of 9 blog posts. this is unacceptable. don't pretend that you have better things to do - i understand and know well the fact that you do nothing in your free time but sit in your 2x2 cubicle of internet fascination and pore over my wise ramblings until your eyes bleed. i would appreciate feedback because the whole point of this blog thing is to create discourse, and without you posting the purported witticisms that flit across your small underdeveloped female brains, said discourse cannot and will not be achieved.


the pen is mightier

Sunday, November 23, 2008

meet my friend haji (memashite)

chillin with some villains after the football game. note how unfrickenbelievably sweet the pylon is.

too lazy to write words.

Monday, November 17, 2008


dear japan chapter of the aiura clan,

i don't know why you made your blogs private. your thoughts, however ugly, malformed, and inane, are beautiful in their own special little ways. its not like anybody else would WANT to read them, but in the off chance that there exist other deranged folk out there like yourselves, they should have the opportunity to read your retarded ramblings. anyways

what follows is some video of me and my homeboys at a deli/bar watching the NU football game. they're pretty stupid, but less stupid than many of my other videos. enjoy.

even petard gets a shout out in this one!

Friday, November 14, 2008

technical difficulties

are hopefully in the process of being sorted out. with some good advice from my homies, i'm starting to figure out how to do things. just got my SD card a couple days ago but have been really busy lately - thats why no videos recently. so here they be.

this is one of me right after my most annoying class of the quarter

more to come later. i eat subway and lose waist like im jerred.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

sometimes i want to get there faster

but i fear that which i may miss on the way. other times i focus on the road beneath my feet, but lose sight of where the path may take me.

somewhere, siddhartha the squirrel/tree/porcine or bovine animal is chuckling.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

the corner

Photobucket Album


its easy to be idealistic and say that money doesn't mean a damn, but actually following through on that statement and resisting the temptations of materialism is another thing entirely... what separates the mice from the men is the ability to act upon said intentions, which can be a struggle for the weak minded, especially in a world that values possessions to an unhealthy degree.

i am among the weak minded, but i will eternally strive for strength.

to belong to the world of mice is not a tragic and unforgivable error; to WANT to belong to that world, however, is a terrible shame.

awareness of one's own shortcomings is an invaluable talent.

sometimes i wish.

other times i act.

i always hope for the latter.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

and the videos followed

dear famirry:

i shall be keeping a "video journal" of sorts for the foreseeable future. i encourage and expect you to do the same. it'll be a cool and interesting way for usn's to keep'n in touch'n. what about their leggggsss?

i think as a family (sorry, as a famirry) we should take up blogging to document our worldly exploits. cuz, yanow, we're just that cool. its really easy to start one of these, all you need is love (and a gmail account). dad already has one. just link a blog to it and start yammering away (you guys are really goot at that).

anyways, enjoy the following videos and expect many more.

The First Post

i wish i had something of deep value or insight to post right now... after all, one's first blog post doesn't come every day. oh well. i guess i'll just have to consider it an opportunity missed.

to follow shall be numerous videos of my daily hijackings and exploits. follow as closely as you dare, and don't try this at home.

- mark

ps i actually typed "hijinks" above, but spellcheck would not allow it. one of the suggestions was hijackings. i riked it a rot.